Gaston Nicolessi again in Prague

In spring Gas­ton from Fran­ce visi­ted us aga­in. For three days we practi­ced with him in a free, pla­y­ful and at the same time inten­se way – we deve­lo­ped basic prin­ci­ples like con­tact, lea­der­ship, rela­xati­on… and we also wor­ked with weapons.

Besi­des the tra­i­ning, we expe­ri­en­ced much more – some of us took exams, and we spent a lot of time toge­ther in restau­rants and cafes. The sight of a terra­ce full of aiki­dists is really pleasing.
Gra­du­ally we sank into inten­se exer­ci­se and ple­a­sant fati­gue, and althou­gh many of us had had enou­gh on Sun­day, we agre­ed that it was worth it. And we look for­ward to the next meeting.