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Aikido suburban camp for children (6–12 years)

8. July 2024 - 12. July 2024

Aikido suburban camp for children (6–12 years)

8. July 2024 - 12. July 2024
Místo: Prostor 8, Praha 2

week of movement
aiki­do + other mar­tial arts + all-round phy­s­i­cal development
both insi­de and outside

Daily schedule (8:30–16:30):

in the mor­ning tra­i­nings inside

  • Aiki­do and other mar­tial arts training
  • all-round sports tra­i­ning and move­ment games

after­no­ons in nature

  • trips to city parks (Gré­bov­ka, Petřín…)
  • exer­ci­se and move­ment games in nature


Date: 8.-12 July 2024
Time: Mon­day to Fri­day 8:30–16:30
Pla­ce: Spa­ce 8, Šmi­lov­ské­ho 8, Pra­gue 2 – a short walk from Náměs­tí Míru
Group: 14 chil­dren (from 6 to 12 years old), all chil­dren must spe­ak Czech
Tea­chers: tea­chers of chil­dren and you­th Aiki­do Pra­gue Vino­hra­dy + assistants
Meals: lunch and after­no­on snack (from Toul­cův dvůr)
What to bring: sweat­pants and t‑shirt, com­for­table out­do­or clo­thes, rain­coat + bott­le of drink and mor­ning snack
Pri­ce: 4200 CZK (podrob­nos­ti a stor­no poplat­ky viz. níže)

At this camp, chil­dren will expe­ri­en­ce adven­tu­re, coo­pe­rati­on and competition.
They will dis­co­ver them­sel­ves throu­gh movement.

What will the children experience?

  • Aiki­do – basic tech­niques and falls
  • Japa­ne­se sword­sman­ship – exer­ci­ses and games with woo­den and plas­tic swords
  • kara­te – basic stri­kes and kicks
  • all-round move­ment – gym­nastics, wrest­ling, out­do­or par­kour, move­ment games and competitions
  • being in natu­re – hills and valleys, tre­es and rocks


Pri­ce for one child is 4200 CZK

The pri­ce inclu­des: all-day pro­gram, faci­li­ties and sports equi­p­ment, work of qua­li­fied coa­ches and lea­ders, lun­ches and after­no­on snacks, drin­king regi­me, camp T‑shirt.

Can­cellati­on fees
Can­cellati­on of the chil­d’s par­ti­ci­pati­on by parents: until 24.6. can­cellati­on fee 700 CZK / after 24.6. can­cellati­on fee 1400 CZK. Can­cellati­on of the camp by the orga­ni­zer: the full amount will be refunded.

Con­fir­mati­on of pay­ment for insu­ran­ce companies
You can get a con­tri­bu­ti­on for the camp from your heal­th insu­ran­ce com­pa­ny – we will be hap­py to issue you a receipt.

Register your child as soon as possible


Aikido Praha Vinohrady


Prostor 8, Praha 2
Šmilovského 8
Praha 2, 12000 Česká republika
+ Google Map

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