Sleepover at the dojo (kids and youths)
It seems that we are starting a new tradition – this was our second sleepover in the dojo and it was a great success again!
9 children and 7 young teachers and assistants came. The kids made friends quickly, after the first practice it was impossible to tell who was from which group. For some of them it was their first sleepover ever. We all enjoyed the exercise and other fun times together and had time to get to know each other more.
Lenka from the young assistants wrote about it:
“I really enjoyed the sleepover! Not only the two great aikido sessions where the children, assistants and teachers learned from each other, but especially the time together where everyone found what they needed. The passion and fierceness of sword fights, recharging new knowledge from books, chatting, exciting games of Dobble and other card games, getting to know each other (within a moment no one could tell they were actually two groups),… Later in the evening, a joint screening and eating of well-deserved pizza (great admiration to everyone for heroically coping with the delay in its delivery), and getting up slowly in the morning for a beautiful snowy Prague…
Seeing lots of happy and beaming faces in the final circle was the best reward and a wonderful ending.”
In the final circle there were questions about when the next one would be held. So I’m looking forward to the next one.