A really tiring seminar with Gaston

At the end of May Gas­ton Nico­les­si (6th dan Aiki­kai) visi­ted us aga­in – and this year it was really very inten­se. May­be it was the hot weather, may­be it was the amount of young peo­ple on the mat. And may­be also because Gas­ton can cre­a­te an atmosphe­re in which even dif­ficult tech­niques and high falls go down with ease and enthusi­asm. So it can hap­pen that we fall and get up more than usu­al in tra­i­ning, and for a full 10 hours in a wee­kend. Con­gra­tu­lati­ons to all of you who made it throu­gh the who­le thing – you­’re in gre­at shape!