5 days of youth camp in the Highlands

This year’s you­th camp was excep­ti­o­nally held nei­ther in the Slo­vak Para­di­se nor in the Jese­ní­ky Moun­ta­ins, but in our favou­ri­te Třešt’, whe­re we orga­ni­ze a sum­mer scho­ol for adults eve­ry year. Trips to natu­re and sight­se­e­ing were repla­ced by more tra­i­ning, espe­ci­ally on the tata­mi, which many of us appre­ci­a­ted very much. At the same time it for­med an inte­res­ting con­trast between the pre­vi­ous sum­mer scho­ols and the vari­ous trips that took pla­ce during the year.

The main focus of our stay in Třešt’ was the mor­ning tata­mi sessi­ons and the after­no­on out­do­or exer­ci­ses with the joe, whe­re we deve­lo­ped espe­ci­ally live­li­ness, acti­vi­ty and mobi­li­ty. We also did a lot of high falls.

During these five won­der­ful days we took a trip to a near­by quar­ry with very nice and cle­an water whe­re we took a bath and on the way back we had a very ple­a­sant tra­i­ning sessi­on in a near­by mea­dow. The next trip was to the Jih­la­va fire­fi­gh­ters, whe­re the­ir com­man­der, aiki­dist Čeněk Jir­sák, gave us a tour and allowed us to try inte­res­ting things that we would not have been able to get to. From cut­ting a car, to clim­bing a 40-meter lad­der, from whe­re the­re was a beau­ti­ful view of the surroun­dings, to sli­ding down a pole. This was a child­ho­od dre­am come true for many of us.

Pre­pa­ring lun­ches was also an inte­res­ting expe­ri­en­ce – we split into groups and each day a dif­fe­rent group pre­pa­red food for eve­ry­o­ne. From shop­ping to coo­king to washing dishes, we did it all!

The free time toge­ther was most­ly spent pla­y­ing our favou­ri­te board games, going for vari­ous walks or sit­ting in the café. We spent one eve­ning having din­ner toge­ther by the fire, whe­re we had a gre­at time.

Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, this camp has also come to an end and we have nothing to do but look for­ward to the next one and may­be even a lon­ger one.

Writ­ten by: Jan Váňa
Pho­tos by Len­ka Hon­zá­ko­vá and Mar­tin Švihla