Aikido Day Camps for Children (Summer 2024)

At the begin­ning of sum­mer we have aga­in pre­pa­red two dates of Aiki­do day camps for chil­dren aged 6 to 12 years.

You may ask what is the dif­fe­ren­ce between regu­lar Aiki­do tra­i­ning and a day camp?
‑The group of chil­dren is more diver­se, aged 6 to 12 years old. So we have the chan­ce to learn from the older ones and in turn care for the youn­ger ones.
‑We have sepa­ra­te Aiki­do and mar­tial arts tra­i­ning. In Aiki­do tra­i­ning the chil­dren learn to fall, move with a part­ner, and try Aiki­do tech­niques. In the mar­tial part of the tra­i­ning, on the other hand, they learn to stand well on the­ir feet, work with the­ir own stren­gth or balance…
‑Eve­ry day we go out­do­ors – we practi­ce and play move­ment games in parks, go to the rope cen­t­re, have time for free fun.
‑During the day we sit in a circle seve­ral times and talk about our expe­ri­en­ces and also about the vir­tu­es and qua­li­ties of good peo­ple and warriors.
‑Each day we have a qui­e­ter acti­vi­ty that deve­lops fine motor skills – for exam­ple, eating with chops­ticks, dra­wing, fol­ding ori­ga­mi, making our own sushi, dra­wing camp t‑shirts.
‑Because we’re toge­ther all day, we also have time to massage each other. The chil­dren gra­du­ally learn to feel and touch the­ir part­ner throu­gh gent­le massage techniques.
‑At the end of the camp, the chil­dren pre­pa­re a short per­for­man­ce for the­ir parents, in which they have the chan­ce to show what they have learned.

This is how our camp looks like descri­bed in words. The structu­re is simi­lar each year, but each camp is dif­fe­rent and unique because it is filled with what we all bring to it. Take a look at the pho­tos below and may­be you­’ll find the ener­gy and exci­te­ment we had the­re this year. Or bet­ter yet, try to join us next year and expe­ri­en­ce it for yourself 🙂