Seminar with Miyamoto sensei in Toulouse

Mar­tin, Van­da and Ange­li­ca from Vino­hra­dy, Petr from Boro­va­ny, Hon­za from Budě­jo­vi­ce and also gentle­men from Bos­ko­vi­ce – this was our Czech expe­di­ti­on to the Miya­mo­to sen­sei semi­nar in Tou­lou­se, Fran­ce. Besi­des 3 days of tra­i­ning, we enjoyed a lot of good food and time with fri­ends from Fran­ce, Ita­ly and Spain.

In addi­ti­on, Mar­tin and Van­da flew to Tou­lou­se via Lon­don and so visi­ted Not­ting Hill Aiki­kai whe­re Mar­tin led one eve­ning tra­i­ning sessi­on. This is also why some of the pho­tos below look like they are from England.