Seminar+ kyu grades + christmas party = day full of Aikido

As eve­ry year, the Decem­ber semi­nar was led by Zden­ko Regu­li. The­re were a lot of us on the tata­mi, also fri­ends from Czech and Slo­vak clubs. The exer­ci­ses were inte­res­ting, dyna­mic, inter­sper­sed with new vari­ati­ons of techniques.

Over lunch, many peo­ple took and suc­cess­fully pas­sed the exams – you can find the list abo­ve the pho­tos. Con­gra­tu­lati­ons to all!

And in the eve­ning we had the who­le flo­or boo­ked in the pub – we nee­ded it for the Christmas par­ty. We did­n’t dan­ce as much this year as last year, so we had more time to talk.

It was a very nice end to our aiki­do year.


  1. kyu

Anna Pro­ke­šo­vá

  1. kyu

Ště­pán Kočí

Mar­tin Otruba

Anton Fir­s­zov

Daniel Dykast

Len­ka Honzáková

Nela Hrn­čí­řo­vá

  1. kyu

Andrea Poma­za­lo­vá

Rus­lan Ogarkov

Tomáš Vřeš­ťál

Petr Sed­lá­ček

Jan Záru­ba

  1. kyu

Filip Kul­há­nek