Aikido demonstration at the Japanese Akimatsuri 2024

The Aiki­do demon­strati­on at Aki­mat­su­ri in Pra­gue has been the most impor­tant pub­lic per­for­man­ce in our calen­dar for many years. This year it was pre­pa­red and practi­ced main­ly by our young aikidists.

We sim­ply had a wor­king mee­ting in the week befo­re the demon­strati­on, we agre­ed who wan­ted to practi­ce, what would be appro­pri­a­te… we put it toge­ther into a nice who­le and then we practi­ced it in pairs.

Sounds easy, right?

Mix in a litt­le ner­vou­sness and stage fright, fall weather, soft grass under the tata­mi and you have a rou­gh idea of how much fun we had.

The pho­tos will also give you a hint – they were taken by Dima Hej­ko and Nela Hrnčířová.
We are alrea­dy loo­king for­ward to next year.