Intense summer school in France

Two weeks of exer­ci­se and tra­i­ning twi­ce a day, living in a camp by the oce­an and fri­ends from all over Euro­pe. At Ole­ron we get Aiki­do deep under our skin, we bre­ath it along with the salt air, swi­m­ming in it in the sea. It is necessa­ry to expe­ri­en­ce this intensi­ty of practi­ce, to over­co­me fati­gue, to feel the who­le body… to be able to say: we live Aiki­do, we are Aiki­do. This year the­re were over 20 of us and the young ones filled the­ir own minibus!

That’s a short way to descri­be our aiki­do trip to the French island of Ole­ron this year. Some came for a week, some for two who­le weeks – either way, it was defi­ni­te­ly worth it.