Three seminars at the end of 2010
At the end of 2010 we held three seminars in our dojo. In October we hosted Franck Noel from France, Stefan Stenudd from Sweden in November and we closed the year in December with Zdenek Reguli from Brno.
As usual, aikidoka, from across the Republic and surrounding countries, gathered here for Frank’s seminar. In contrast, surprisingly few guests attended Stefan’s seminar, but many members of our dojo did attend, so we basically ended up having a Club seminar in the large area. Last but not least, Zdenko’s seminar was held, traditionally, in our small gym, which we usually manage to completely fill. Zdenko’s seminar was followed by our club’s Christmas Party.
Franck does not really like photographing during training, and at Stefan’s seminar everyone was training and nobody had a camera in hand, so the pictures are all from the December seminar.
Photographers: Martin, Vanda and Tomáš.