AIKI4KIDS: International Aikido Seminar for Children & Youth

AIKI4KIDS: 200 chil­dren and 50 adults from 20 clubs and 5 Euro­pe­an coun­tries practi­ced all day in 3 age cate­go­ries led by 8 tea­chers from the Czech Repub­lic, Slo­va­kia, Ukra­i­ne, Sweden and France.

“Aiki­do tra­i­ning for chil­dren and you­th, inspi­rati­on for aiki­do tea­chers” – this is the idea of ​​this excep­ti­o­nal inter­nati­o­nal event, which was in Pra­gue for the second time.

Tra­i­nings were held by these tea­chers (with the help of all other club lea­ders and many assistants):
Adam Nohejl, Aiki­do Pra­ha Vino­hra­dy, Czech republic
Ana Niko­lic, Iya­saka Aiki­do­klubb, Stoc­kholm, Sweden
Del­phi­ne Vin­sous, Dojo de la Rose­raie, Tou­lou­se, France
Ive­ta Sudo­ro­vá, Aki­do Považ­ská Bys­tri­ca, Slovakia
Mar­tin Fran­ko­vic, Aiki­do Aka­dé­mia Koši­ce, Slovakia
Olga Ste­gu­ra, Aiki­do Club Mirai, Uzh­go­rod, Ukraine
Miroslav Ska­la, Aiki­do Dojo Na Ces­tě, Říča­ny, Czech republic
René Novot­ný, Aiki­do klub Tře­bíč, Czech republic
Mar­tin Švih­la, Aiki­do Pra­ha Vino­hra­dy, Czech repub­lic (koor­di­ná­tor)

The semi­nar was orga­ni­zed by Aiki­do Pra­gue Vino­hra­dy with coo­pe­rati­on of the Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on and Pra­gue 2 Muni­ci­pa­li­ty. The event was honou­red by the Nomi­nal Sup­port gran­ted by the Embassy of Japan in the Czech Repub­lic and Depu­ty May­or of Pra­gue 2 Ing. Ale­xan­dra Udženija.

We thank eve­ry­o­ne and look for­ward to see­ing you in Novem­ber 2020!

Pre­li­mi­na­ry invi­tati­on for next year:

(Video: Fran­ti­šek DRON / Foto: Michal Bři­cháč)

Partners of the seminar

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