140 children and 40 adults on one tatami

We orga­ni­zed this inter­nati­o­nal semi­nar for chil­dren and you­th in Novem­ber 2024 in Pra­gue. The event brou­ght toge­ther 140 chil­dren and tee­nagers, 40 adults, 20 dojos, and par­ti­ci­pants from 7 coun­tries. We set up 700 squa­re meters of tata­mi for 7 tra­i­ning sessions—some divi­ded into 3 age groups, and others open to eve­ry­o­ne, inclu­ding parents. And one Aiki­do demo.

No words can tru­ly reflect the spe­cial vibe of the event; the power of the who­le group, tee­nagers dedi­ca­ted to dyna­mic Aiki­do practi­ce, small chil­dren gent­ly tou­ching or enthusi­asti­cally wrest­ling. And our young aiki­do­kas, who for­med a gre­at orga­ni­zing team and made sure that eve­ry­thing went smo­o­th­ly. The­re are so many aspects of what hap­pe­ned that Saturday. 

Take a look at the pho­tos, you­’ll see it all there!