Trip to aikido dojo La Roserai in Toulouse – july 2016

Our French tea­cher, Franck Noel shi­han, leads club La Rose­raie in Tou­lou­se. Mar­tin and Van­da visi­ted the pla­ce this year.

It was the last week of the sea­son. Hot sum­mer, dojo full of fri­ends from Tou­lou­se as well as from other parts of Euro­pe, a lot of inten­se practi­ce and fun. And also big wee­kend aiki­do semi­nar with 7 tea­chers from the regi­on and more than 100 par­ti­ci­pants. Inte­res­ting part of the semi­nar: “pro­fit” from semi­nar and following par­ty (app. 4000 Euros) were dona­ted to Méde­cins du Monde.

Pictu­res are most­ly from tra­ve­ling and social events, more about the trip is writ­ten in “the Czech blog post“