Photos, stories, emotions… our 2023 Annual Report

Can you belie­ve that we orga­ni­zed 22 events in 12 mon­ths and had almost 300 peo­ple practi­cing with us? It will take you a few minu­tes to flip throu­gh our annu­al report, because it’s 32 pages of pure pic­to­rial ple­a­su­re. The pho­tos will remind you of all the things we’­ve expe­ri­en­ced and eve­ry­whe­re we’­ve been. The text is short and to the point, so if you­’re inte­res­ted in the behind-the-sce­nes details of the dojo, you­’ll find some.
Down­lo­ad the Aiki­do Pra­gue Vino­hra­dy 2023 Annu­al Report and take a look for yourself.