One hundred or two hundred kids? With ease!

This year we managed the Sport for Two fes­ti­val per­fect­ly, even thou­gh the­re were about a thou­sand chil­dren in the Vino­hra­dy Sokol Hall and it was really hot. We did four mini-tra­i­ning sessi­ons in three hours and we must have had 100–200 kids cros­sing the tata­mi, a mix from six to thir­te­en years old. Isn’t that possi­ble? For Mar­tin and Tachan, it’s no problem..
When the noi­se died down, we visi­ted our Irish dan­ce fri­ends on the other side of the hall to teach us some tricks to use our feet bet­ter. And we met the ladies from pool dan­ce to try out how the mid-body works when the body is in the air like a flag.
Gre­at fun, ending with a gre­at Kore­an lunch and long con­ver­sati­ons about all sorts of things.
Oh, and we were the stars of the cove­rage of the event, check out the article and video on the Pra­ha­TV web­si­te.