Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Toulouse: an international exchange of inspiration in spring 2024

One of the best things about aiki­do is that you can stop by vir­tu­ally any club in the world and just work out with the locals. Also, aiki­do semi­nars are open events whe­re peo­ple from all over the con­ti­nent come toge­ther. So mee­ting new peo­ple and pla­ces throu­gh the practi­ce of aiki­do is really easy. In this short text, we recap a few of our tra­vels this spring.
At the begin­ning of spring Michal, Pavel and Elish­ka were in Bar­ce­lo­na, to practi­ce at a semi­nar with Franck Noel. A couple of wee­kends later, Mar­tin and Van­da tra­ve­led to Lisbon to see the same tea­cher and spent a litt­le more time the­re, and also got to work out at a local club – Mar­tin led a tra­i­ning sessi­on with the local Pablo.
And in May, Mar­tin led workshops for chil­dren and adults in Tou­lou­se and on the way the­re he and Van­da stop­ped in Lon­don whe­re, as well as visi­ting galle­ries and muse­u­ms, they also led one tra­i­ning sessi­on toge­ther at Not­ting Hill Aikikai.
The inter­nati­o­nal exchan­ge of inspi­rati­on between our club and clubs across Euro­pe is very rewar­ding indeed.