How much human labor goes into a glass of wine?

One Sun­day in June, we had a litt­le work and a litt­le exer­ci­se in the vineyard of Bogdan Tro­jak in Zer­nosky. We really wor­ked hard all day and we knit­ted less than 4 lines… out of an infi­ni­te num­ber of lines.
A gre­at remin­der of how much human work is behind eve­ry tas­ty mou­th­ful of food and eve­ry good sip of wine.
And what was the day actu­ally like? Gre­at! The body har­nessed in phy­s­i­cal labor in the fre­sh air, the hands in the damp dirt and gre­en plants, the fee­ling of open spa­ce, the tas­te of good food. We wor­ked most of the day, even found time for an hour of sword practi­ce. And along the way we lis­te­ned to music and some even sang.
Would you like to join us next time? We’ll let you know the date of the fall vin­tage par­ty in due course.