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Author page: Jan Macháček

The course for life savers

The course for life savers

For us, first aid is not just a pro­fes­si­o­nal skill that our tea­chers and assistants need for the­ir work. First aid is also an atti­tu­de towards life and other peo­ple – inte­rest, cou­rage, com­mu­ni­cati­on, skillfulness…
So, toge­ther with exce­lent PrPom, we aga­in orga­ni­zed an expe­ri­en­tial first aid cour­se for our team and our young aikidokas.
The the­o­ry was den­se and the model situati­ons were ten­se – but in the end we managed it and still enjoyed it. Take a look at the photos!

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Summer keiko on the island d’Oleron

Summer keiko on the island d’Oleron

Atlan­tic Oce­an, oys­ters, che­e­se, wine and aiki­do – this is a two-week sum­mer scho­ol of aiki­do on the French island of Ole­ron. Usu­ally we go the­re in a lar­ger group, this year we tra­ve­led only Mar­tin, Van­da and Barborka.
We really enjoyed it all – you can join us next time!

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Aikido for the youngest kids

Aikido for the youngest kids

Mon­key track, drag­ging, tip­toe and rope wal­king, wrest­ling and gent­le tou­ches, sword fen­cing, zom­bies attack, basic rolls and sim­ple aiki­do tech­niques … these are pho­tos from our first tra­i­nings this year for chil­dren from 5 to 7 years.

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