12th congress of International Aikido Federation (IAF) in Japan

Our tea­cher Mar­tin Švih­la repre­sen­ted Czech Fede­rati­on of Aiki­do on the 12th inter­nati­o­nal con­gress of Inter­nati­o­nal Aiki­do Fede­rati­on in Japan in Octo­ber 2016.
Three other stu­dents from our dojo – Michal, Jar­da and Lucie – also visi­ted Japan with Mar­tin. They practi­ced in Aiki­kai Hom­bu Dojo and at the inter­nati­o­nal semi­nar at the con­gress. They also tra­ve­led after all that tra­i­nings. Some pictu­res are enc­lo­sed below.

Mar­tin has writ­ten seve­ral articles from his jour­ney, two of them in Eng­lish. You can find them here:

6000 year young tree
Ope­ning the Sto­ne Door