
Aikido for youth (13–17)

Loo­king for a mar­tial art that does­n’t requi­re stren­gth and regu­lar bruising?

Inte­res­ted in neutra­li­zing taller and hea­vier oppo­nents by using postu­re and grip to chan­ge the cen­ter of gra­vi­ty? You have come to the right place!

Aiki­do uses the ener­gy of your oppo­nent aga­inst them. You only have to breathe.
This is what aiki­do is about. The har­mo­ny of body and mind.

Our aiki­do demon­strati­on at Japa­ne­se autumn fes­ti­val Aki­mat­su­ri 2022 in Prague.

Visit a tra­i­ning free of char­ge to see if Aiki­do is for you! In Sep­tem­ber 2024 we are offe­ring clas­ses for young peo­ple like you, led by expe­ri­en­ced tea­chers from Aiki­do Pra­ha Vinohrady.

Training for Youth 2024/25

Who: tee­nagers 13–17 (male and female)
Group 13–15 years old: eve­ry Mon­day 17:00–18:00 and eve­ry Thur­sday 17:00–18:20 (from 9. 9. 2024 to 19.6.2025)
Group 15–17 years old: eve­ry Thur­sday 18:40–20:00 (from 12. 9. 2024 to 19.6.2025) plus one tra­i­ning a week with the adults on Mon­da­ys 19:00–20:30
Thur­sday: Pro­stor 8, Pra­ha 2 – Vino­hra­dy (near Gré­bov­ka park)
Tra­i­ning with the adults: TJ Sokol Vino­hra­dy, Pol­ská 1a
What to wear: practi­cal athle­tic clothes

Lan­gu­age of instructi­on: Czech
Tra­i­ning fee: The first tra­i­ning is free. We char­ge 6800 CZK per scho­ol year or 3800 CZK for six mon­ths. We offer a fami­ly dis­count of 25 %.
Orga­ni­zati­on:  Our dojo is a mem­ber of the Czech Fede­rati­on of Aiki­dó (ČFAI), which is reco­gni­zed by the world pre­mier Aiki­do orga­ni­zati­on the Aiki­kai Hom­bu Dojo. Mem­bers from 15 years old pay 200 Kč annu­al mem­ber­ship fee.

Don’t hesi­ta­te – Come and tra­in with us!

Training Aikido…

  • Incre­a­ses your self-con­fi­den­ce and phy­s­i­cal fitness
  • Pre­sents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to explo­re yourself
  • Ena­bles self-defen­se without violence

You are wel­co­me to visit our tra­i­ning whe­ne­ver you like, no regis­trati­on necessary.The first tra­i­ning is free so you can find out whe­ther you enjoy Aikido.
We look for­ward to mee­ting you!


Pavel Linhart (tea­cher pro­fi­les)
/ +420 737 856 527 

Registration for 2024/25 is already open!

Num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants is limi­ted. Ple­a­se book your pla­ce in time!

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