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Aikido seminar: Franck Noël (7. dan)

Aikido seminar: Franck Noël (7. dan)

As last year Franck Noel shi­han (7th Dan) from Fran­ce is going to come to Pra­gue during Octo­ber. The tra­i­ning at fri­day will be held in Aiki­do Kar­lin and will be open for eve­ry­o­ne with 2nd kyu and abo­ve. At wee­kend the semi­nar will be held at our dojo and eve­ry­o­ne is welcome!

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Seminar: Stefan Stenudd, November 2018

Czech Fede­rati­on of Aiki­do and Aiki­do Vino­hra­dy Pra­gue Invi­tes you for a semi­nar held by Ste­fan Ste­nudd (7th dan aiki­do, shi­han, Sweden) 16 – 17 Novem­ber 2018 Pra­gue, CZ LOCATION TJ Sokol Krá­lov­ské Vino­hra­dy Pra­gue, Pol­ská 1 (Rie­gro­ve sady), Pra­gue 2 Map and pub­lic trans­port SCHELUDE Fri­day 19:00–21:00 Satur­day 10:00–12:30 and 15:30–18:00 Sun­day 10:00–12:00 and 14:30–16:30 (We will have our tra­di­ti­o­nal par­ty on satur­day eve­ning.) EXTRA BLUE CLASS…

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Seminar Franck Noel, Prague, October 2015

Czech Fede­rati­on of Aiki­do / Aiki­do Pra­gue Vino­hra­dy / Aiki­do Kar­lín invi­tes you to the semi­nar of Franck Noel (7th dan aiki­do, Fran­ce) 16 – 18 Octo­ber 2015 Pra­gue, Czech repub­lic LOCATION: Fri­day: Aiki­do Kar­lín, Křiží­ko­va 48, Pra­ha 8 Saturday/Sunday: TJ Sokol Krá­lov­ské Vino­hra­dy Pra­ha, Pol­ská 1 (Rie­gro­ve sady), Pra­ha 2 Map and pub­lic trans­port SCHEDULE: Fri­day: 19,00–21,00 (class for advan­ced aiki­do­kas from the 2nd kyu) at…

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Seminar Franck Noel, June 2010

Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on invi­tes you to the semi­nar of Franck Noel (7th dan aiki­do, Fran­ce) 12 – 13 June 2010 Pra­gue, Czech repub­lic LOCATION: TJ Sokol Krá­lov­ské Vino­hra­dy Pra­ha, Pol­ská 1 (Rie­gro­ve sady), Pra­ha 2 Map and pub­lic trans­port SCHEDULE: Satur­day: 10,00–12,00 / 12,00–12,30 (les­son for tea­chers) / 16,00–18,00 + exams Sun­day: 9,00–11,00 / 13,00–15,00 Pri­ce: who­le semi­nar: 750 Kč (app. 30 Euro) 3 tra­i­nings: 650Kč (app. 25 Euro) 1 day: 450 Kč (app.…

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Aiki­do for chil­dren means fun phy­s­i­cal move­ment and ver­sa­ti­le edu­cati­on. Three age cate­go­ries from 5 to 13 years old. Under the gui­dan­ce of qua­li­fied teachers!

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International aikido seminar for children

International aikido seminar for children

Fun for kids and inspi­rati­on for tea­chers – the second inter­nati­o­nal aiki­do semi­nar for chil­dren which we set up with sup­port of Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on. The last year the­re were per­ha­ps 130 chil­dren from 12 clubs from 3 coun­tries and this one will be even bet­ter. You can alrea­dy register!

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Aikido summer school – Martin Švihla (5th dan) – Třešť 2024

Aikido summer school – Martin Švihla (5th dan) – Třešť 2024

7 days and 6 hours of tra­i­ning per day. Tra­i­nings without wea­pons and with wea­pons, indo­ors and out­do­ors, day and night, in kei­ko-gi as well as in sport­su­it. And between clas­ses some food, games, massages, sle­e­ping, other volun­ta­ry exer­ci­ses and exams. Some­ti­mes we also sle­ep. Sim­ply a week with aiki­do in the Czech Highlands!

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Are you between thir­te­en and six­te­en? Loo­king for a mar­tial art that does­n’t requi­re stren­gth? Aiki­do uses an oppo­nen­t’s ener­gy to your advantage–come tra­in with us! 

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Photos, stories, emotions… our 2023 Annual Report

Photos, stories, emotions… our 2023 Annual Report

Can you belie­ve that we orga­ni­zed 22 events in 12 mon­ths and had almost 300 peo­ple tra­i­ning with us? It will take you a few minu­tes to flip throu­gh our annu­al report, which is 32 pages of pure pic­to­rial deli­ght. The pho­tos will remind you of all we’­ve expe­ri­en­ced and whe­re we’­ve been. The text is short and to the point, so if you­’re inte­res­ted in the behind-the-sce­nes details of the dojo, you­’ll find some. You can find the full report insi­de the article…

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