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5 days of youth camp in the Highlands

5 days of youth camp in the Highlands

This year’s you­th camp was excep­ti­o­nally held nei­ther in the Slo­vak Para­di­se nor in the Jese­ní­ky Moun­ta­ins, but in our favou­ri­te Třešt’. The main con­tent of the who­le event was mor­ning tra­i­ning on tata­mi and after­no­on out­do­or tra­i­ning with joe, whe­re we deve­lo­ped live­li­ness, acti­vi­ty and mobility…

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How much human labor goes into a glass of wine?

How much human labor goes into a glass of wine?

One Sun­day in June, we did a litt­le work and a litt­le practi­ce in the vineyard of Bogdan Tro­jak in Zer­nosky. We really wor­ked hard all day and we knit­ted less than 4 rows… out of an infi­ni­te num­ber of lines.
A gre­at remin­der of how much human work is behind eve­ry tas­ty mou­th­ful of food and eve­ry good sip of wine.

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Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Toulouse: an international exchange of inspiration in spring 2024

Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Toulouse: an international exchange of inspiration in spring 2024

One of the best things about Aiki­do is that you can stop by vir­tu­ally any club in the world and just work out with the locals. And also that aiki­do semi­nars are open events whe­re peo­ple from all over the con­ti­nent meet. So mee­ting new peo­ple and pla­ces throu­gh the practi­ce of aiki­do is really easy. In this short text, we recap a few of our tra­vels this spring.

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Luboš, official

What I like about aiki­do is its vari­a­bi­li­ty and the fact that the same tech­nique can have a very dif­fe­rent out­co­me based on situation.

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Another teacher’s training

Another teacher’s training

We are very hap­py to orga­ni­ze tra­i­nings for tea­chers of the Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on. It is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to sha­re our way of tea­ching Aiki­do with other Czech clubs and also to get inspi­rati­on from the­ir work. At the same time, these mee­tings broa­den the peda­go­gi­cal and human hori­zons of our young tea­chers. And also we can all practi­ce together. 

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We organized a 24-hour international Aikido marathon in Prague

We organized a 24-hour international Aikido marathon in Prague

“I would say that the Aiki­do Marathon brou­ght me a beau­ti­ful and unfor­get­table expe­ri­en­ce, a unique explo­rati­on of how fati­gue affects me – and a huge sur­pri­se, because the tra­i­ning sessi­ons and the unique atmosphe­re char­ged me so much that (despi­te all my ini­tial assumpti­ons) I kept practi­cing over and over, nights, mor­nings… and enjoyed it so much
At the same time, I think that I also lear­ned in the “actu­al” aiki­do practi­ce, the chan­ging dyna­mics (thanks to the brisk chan­ge of tea­chers and the­ir sty­les) added ano­ther ama­zing dimensi­on to the aiki­do marathon. I expe­ri­en­ced (for me) com­ple­te­ly new appro­a­ches and what’s more, I found ele­ments to take away in each one…
The more I think about it, the more I belie­ve that put­ting all tho­se won­der­ful impres­si­ons into words is impossible…”
Len­ka, 18-years-old high scho­ol student

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Two weeks by the Atlantic

Two weeks by the Atlantic

The island of Olé­ron is an unk­nown part of Fran­ce for many peo­ple – that is, until they learn that the world-famous Fort Boyard is loca­ted just a few kilo­me­t­res from the island. For us, however, Olé­ron has a dif­fe­rent mea­ning – for seve­ral deca­des now, it has been home to the Aiki­do sum­mer school.
We practi­ced for 12 days, 4 hours a day. Under the gui­dan­ce of tea­cher Gas­ton Nicho­les­si, it’s a gre­at chan­ce to learn some­thing new. And make memo­ries for the rest of your life.

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