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Aikido Summer School for Youth

12. August 2025 - 17. August 2025

Aikido Summer School for Youth

12. August 2025 - 17. August 2025
Místo: Sokolský dům Třešť

One Week in Movement
Tra­i­ning Aiki­do + Tra­i­ning with Wea­pons + Time Together
Indo­or and Outdoor

What can you expect?

In the mor­nings – indo­or training:

  • Tra­i­ning Aiki­do on tatami

In the after­no­ons – out­do­or training:

  • Out­do­or tra­i­ning with weapons

Plus trips, swi­m­ming, visi­ting cafés, coo­king toge­ther, eve­ning bon­fi­res, pla­y­ing games, watching films …

The Arrangements:

When: 12th-17th August 2025 (from Tue­sday to Sunday)
Whe­re: Sokol­ský dům, nám. Svo­bo­dy 412/15 58901 Třešť GPS: 49.293086, 15.481658
Who: You­th 15–21 years old – mem­bers of other clubs are welcomed
Tea­chers: Mar­tin Švih­la (5. dan) and Pavel Linhart (2. dan)
Food: The­re is a kit­chen and dining room in Sokol­ský dům so lunch is pre­pa­red toge­ther. The­re are seve­ral restau­rants in the near­by area. Food is not inclu­ded in the pri­ce of the event.
Accom­mo­dati­on: in Sokol­ský dům in sle­e­ping bags
What to bring with you: clo­thes for tra­i­ning indo­or and out­do­or, a sle­e­ping bag and a sle­e­ping mat
Arri­val: We are plan­ning to get to Třešť on Mon­day eve­ning; thou­gh it´s possi­ble to arri­ve on Tue­sday or any other day. The event finishes on Sun­day at noon (so that we can get home by evening).
Pri­ce: 2900 CZK (more details below)

Move­ment, natu­re, fri­end­ship … and Aikido.
And many more adven­tu­res and unfor­get­table experiences.

What will you experience?

  • Aiki­do – basic and advan­ced tech­niques and falls
  • Wea­pons – exer­ci­se and games with woo­den wea­pons – bok­ken (sword), jo (stick), and tan­to (kni­fe)
  • The gre­at out­do­ors – hills and valleys, tre­es and rocks, swi­m­ming in a quar­ry and a natu­ral out­do­or swi­m­ming pool


The par­ti­ci­pati­on fee is 2900 CZK

The pri­ce inclu­des: a who­le day pro­gram, faci­li­ties, accom­mo­dati­on in Sokol­ský dům and the super­vi­si­on of qua­li­fied teachers.
The pri­ce does not inclu­de: tra­vel expen­ses and the costs for food (because we cook toge­ther, the costs for food are qui­te reasonable).

Sign up as soon as possible; places are limited


Aikido Praha Vinohrady


+420 603 752 468


Sokolský dům Třešť
Nám. Svobody 412/15
Třešť, 589 01 Česká republika
+ Google Map

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