“Shouldn’t we cancel it?”

“Should­n’t we can­cel it?” was the first ques­ti­on for two litt­le girls who arri­ved on Fri­day, Decem­ber 13, 2024, for the start of our regu­lar Aiki­do sle­e­po­ver for kids. For many dif­fe­rent rea­sons, only tho­se two arri­ved (and one boy was sup­po­sed to arri­ve later).

After a 15 minu­te dis­cus­si­on, it was clear: “We want to go for it.” So we sta­yed, threw away the pre­pa­red exer­ci­se plan, and invol­ved the kids in deci­ding what we were going to do and what our time toge­ther would look like. What emer­ged was a who­le new mon­ster game that might have loo­ked like this:

The­re was also a rubi­k’s cube:

And the­re was an unplan­ned mini con­cert just befo­re the farewell. Hon­za, thanks a lot.

And most impor­tant­ly, a big THANK YOU to Marján­ka, Evič­ka and Rafa for not being shy and practi­cing with us.