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Tag: Aikido video

Lime Blossom Festival – Bodaiju matsuri 2022.

Lime Blossom Festival – Bodaiju matsuri 2022.

In the sha­de of the lush gre­en tre­es at the cen­tu­ries-old Vyše­hrad Cast­le, loo­king down on the met­ro­po­lis, the fif­te­en­th annu­al Japa­ne­se cele­brati­on of spring, sym­bo­li­cally called “Bodai­ju mat­su­ri” or “Fes­ti­val of Lime Tre­es”, took pla­ce. And we were the­re with our mar­tial arts demon­strati­ons and workshop.

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Our summer school in 2021

Our summer school in 2021

7 days and 6 hours of tra­i­ning a day. Tra­i­ning with and without wea­pons, indo­ors and out­do­ors, during day and during night, in kei­ko-gi and tracksu­it. And with food, games, massages, sle­ep, addi­ti­o­nal tra­i­ning and exams in between. See the video!

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Online seminar with Jan Nevelius (7th dan Aikikai)

Online seminar with Jan Nevelius (7th dan Aikikai)

During the loc­kdowns, we practi­ced onli­ne and could have only dre­am about orga­ni­zing our regu­lar inter­nati­o­nal semi­nars. We also had to can­cel the annu­al semi­nar with Jan Neve­lius, sche­du­led for March. So at least we orga­ni­zed an onli­ne tra­i­ning with him. And it was a tru­ly inter­nati­o­nal event – more than fif­ty aiki­das from all over the world joi­ned our Zoom. Here we offer an hour-long video recording.

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6 videos: exercise for parents and children during the quarantine (Part 1)

6 videos: exercise for parents and children during the quarantine (Part 1)

Both chil­dren and adults need move­ment during the qua­ran­ti­ne – move­ment stren­gthens your immu­ne sys­tem and cre­a­tes sha­red expe­ri­en­ces. So dear parents, if you work from home and have chil­dren between 5–8 years old- we offer you inspi­rati­on for pla­y­ful fun. These videos can help you unwind after a long week of work and homeschooling.

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